Experiences of multi-ill elderly patients with user participation in hospital discharge
Is co-production an unattainable ideal?
User participation, co-production, multi-ill elderly patients, discharge, hospitalAbstract
The subject of this article is multi-ill elderly patients’ experiences with the possibilities for good participation processes when being discharged from the hospital. The backdrop is the political guidance that user participation should take place as co-production, where healthcare personnel and patients actively use each other’s resources. Several studies show challenges in practice. To find effective approaches, there is a need for increased knowledge concerning the patients’ perspectives in transitions between healthcare services. Based on qualitative interviews with fifteen elderly patients, who have been urgently admitted to the hospital, the study examined how the patients experience the conditions for co-production in hospital discharge. The results show several tensions between patient-centred goals and organizational frameworks. Among other things, central prerequisites for user participation are not present, and the patients are given very little opportunity to participate actively: They are given insufficient information, previous experiences and patient expertise create differences, and their relatives are little taken care of as a resource
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