The Open Access Strategy of Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP
Cappelen Damm Akademisk has established an editorial division for Open Access scholarly publishing of journals and books under the name: Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing (NOASP). In cooperation with Co-Action Publishing, a pioneer in the field of Open Access publishing, NOASP has established a user-friendly platform that provides suitable presentation, legibility, straightforward navigation, optimal search-functionality and ideal distribution for scholarly journals.
NOASP offers editorial support from a team of experienced editors who will steer manuscripts through the various phases of the publication process. The platform is easy to use, for editors, authors and peer-reviewers alike. It has been developed with good workflow, simple logistics and a clear system for handling multiple versions of an article in mind.
NOASP was established roughly one year ago. We now have six Open Access journals, three of which are entirely new. We were also the first Norwegian publisher to release an Open Access book, and several more peer-reviewed monographs and anthologies are in the pipeline. NOASP is a member of the Open Access Scholarly Association (OASPA), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB).
The OA landscape is constantly evolving, and as an Open Access publisher, we seek out knowledge and information from experts in the field and connect with important OA-actors internationally, as well as gaining expertise in the Norwegian and Nordic context. We also support and help our journals in the accreditation process and in obtaining governmental financial support. We believe that an important role in being early movers on the OA front in Norway is to be an active part of the evolving process.
NOASP provides Open Access publishing on the principle that making research accessible supports a greater exchange of knowledge. As an academic publisher, we believe Open Access publishing is an important supplement to our publication portfolio, and we are dedicated to promoting OA publishing as an essential service to the academic community in the Nordic countries.