Cool Nature
Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–1840
ecocriticism, ecology, ecopoetics, transcultural theory, enlightenment, romanticism, atmosphere, gender, utopiaAbstract
In this essay, an interdisciplinary group of researchers sets out to address the period 1780–1840 in Sweden in a new way, by placing nature at its centre. With the help of ecocritical and transcultural theory, combined with renewed attention to the Swedish fine arts, learned discourses, and practices, we suggest a new approach to these revolutionary decades. The perceived dissonance, the interplay between climatic conditions and cultural template in early modern and modern Sweden, has not been fully addressed in current research, despite the fact that the relationship between humankind and the environment is a central issue in contemporary society and scholarship. Representations of nature situate the nation, they negotiate the relationship between a sensed reality and an ideal, between human and more-than-human beings. We suggest a focus on the unpredictable space created by negotiations of nature in Swedish representations during this crucial period, and, furthermore, on the ways in which this creative space is charged with utopian possibilities in the early Anthropocene. This is the background and the driving force of the planned research project ‘Cool Nature: Utopian Landscapes in Sweden 1780–1840’.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anna Albrektson, Mikael Ahlund, Sara Ekström, Johanna Ethnersson Pontara, Elisabeth Mansén, Vera Sundin, Meike Wagner, Erik Wallrup
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.